Course Experience

  • Media Production: During this class, we were taught how to produce and direct media. We have been shown how to work a TV studio, which Longwood has in one of its buildings. We learn how to work audio, graphics, technical director, the different cameras in the studio, floor director, and we get to practice being anchors. Another thing we learned how to do/work is JVC GY LS300 4K camera. I have had the privilege to produce a continuity video, a studio bio video, a promotional video, and I got to produce and anchor for an episode of NewsBreak for this class.
  • Digital Media: In this class, I was first introduced to working with the Canon XF300, with that I was able to produce news story videos and a hype video for Longwood Women’s Lacrosse Team. I was also introduced to working on Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro and a little bit of Adobe Audition, which is where I made all of my videos.
  • Advanced Media Writing: During this class, I have been given the chance to update my AP Style writing skills, with writing much different news, feature, and sports stories. I have also been given the chance to write and make a website for a media long-form for the admissions process here at Longwood University. Going out to get my own interviews, trying to reach out to different people was a struggle in this class at first, but eventually got used to it. Public speaking has been a big part for me in this class getting over my fear of calling or emailing people for interviews and actually performing the interview itself. This class has also helped with my digital media and media production classes, one is just writing and one is filming but they all have the same concepts when it comes to interviews, and using the inverted pyramid when putting the most important information at the beginning of my articles or videos.
  • Public Speaking: In public speaking, I was taught how to one get over my fear of speaking in front of a large crowd. I had to write many different speeches throughout the course such as persuasive speeches, informative speeches, and an introduction speech. During this class, I had to prepare to make sure my speeches were under the time limit that was given. Trying to make sure my speeches were under the time limit and making sure they had enough detail in them was the most challenging, but every time I would finish a speech I would read it to one of my friends and have them time me to see if it was where it needed to be.