Introducing Megan

I help people get their team, company or anything that someone may care about out to the public to see. If anybody needs videos made, I’m the person to come to. Need some photos of yourself, brand or team? I can do that too.

Some of the skills and qualities that I use are hardworking, time management and responsibility. Working on a project for someone else makes me want to strive for the top to and make sure it is the perfect video.

To get the finished product, I have had to be skilled in working with a
Canon XF300 video camera, the JVC GY LS300 4K camera and Adobe Premiere Pro. With being able to use these programs and equipment, it has helped me prepare some of the best videos. Which you can view here, Video Experience

I do the videos for myself and others. Seeing the reaction of someones face after they see the final product makes the stress of shooting and editing videos all worth it.

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