A Sustainable Lancer

Inquiry into Citizenship Foundation – CTZN 110

A Sustainable Lancer was my first honors class that I took. This was also my first time taking an environmentally focus class and I learned about topics that I had no idea that existed and ways to be more environmentally friendly. We even toured the saw dust plant on campus to learned how Longwood produces its heat.

This class was a big change from classes in high school. Most of the work for the class needed a lot of time outside of class. Specifically, the final project. For this project, my group and I selected a topic that we discussed in classed, solar energy, and found examples of solar energy around campus. The main example of solar energy that we discussed on campus was solar umbrellas. This project taught me many of the ways the Longwood is environmentally friendly, most of which students have no idea about, like the fact that Longwood composts and that the umbrella on Brock Commons can charge your phone without electricity. This class and project also helped me with some very valuable skills. My group and I had to conduct many different interviews with staff all around campus to try and learn as much as we could about solar and renewable energy on campus. Before this, I had never conducted my own interview before, but since learning how to interview someone I have done it many times for other classes. Attached is our flyer about the solar umbrellas to inform students of how they work and about renewable energy on campus.

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