
Baptist Colligate Ministries (BCM) is a group of students who come together to worship on Thursday nights where we are fed by a local church. I play piano in the worship band for Thursday. There are also numerous small groups that meet for students to get to know each other better. I also have had the opportunity to serve as a small group leader, outreach chair, and program planner.

Honors Student Association (HSA) is a group of honors students that meet once every other week. In the past I have held the historian position as well as served as the President for the 2017-2018 year. This is a great springboard organization to help young honors scholars find more communities to engage with in our community.

Kappa Delta Pi is the international Honor Society for educators. I have been fortunate enough to serve in the past as the New Membership chair on the Executive board for the Beta Epsilon chapter at Longwood University. This organization is a great outlet for future teachers to support each other and promote excellence in education.

Mortar Board (Pi Sigma Alpha) is an  senior Honor Society. On Longwood’s campus this society is in charge of planning and executing the Oktoberfest events as well as a few other events throughout the year. Our philanthropic attachment is to Reading is Leading which helps to support literacy in children and provide them with the opportunities to become great readers and leaders.