Letter to My Senior Self

Dear Senior Self,

Look at you! You made it to senior year, way to go! I’m just finishing up my freshman year, and boy was it a whirlwind. (Especially the whole getting-the-year-cut-short thing!) I’ve made so many great memories and friends so far, and have loved every minute of being at Longwood.

Hopefully you’re preparing for grad school somewhere, and hopefully you’re more excited than nervous! You should be, at least! I also hope you’ve remained dedicated and focused on your work. I’m sure it’s gotten overwhelming, but I’m glad you’ve persevered. By now, you’ve completed your study abroad (wow!), which is so totally out of your comfort zone, but so exciting. I’m also hoping you’ve stayed involved on campus, which is so important. So overall, go you!

Congratulations on getting to senior year! Hang in there and make every moment count!


Freshman Self