Press Release

In my future career as a therapist, it’s very rare that a practicing therapist would be required to create a press release. However, the AIDA format that this document follows is vey applicable to a variety of contexts. By learning how to effectively attract attention and interest (among other qualities), I now feel confident in my able to write useful marketing materials. I tend to write using an excessive amount of words, but was challenged to do just the opposite with this assignment. One of the product descriptions in the press release states, “The handheld portal device costs $500 and has a traveler limit of four”. In a different context, I likely would have felt the need to embellish this description with many adjectives and other items that add visual clutter and reduce understanding. The AIDA format, paired with Plain English, was the set of guidelines that I needed to create effective and concise descriptions. I see myself applying these skills to a variety of situations in the future, from designing marketing materials for my workplace to advertising a fundraiser.

Press Release