
In conclusion, this ePortfolio is meant to showcase the products that I have produced individually and in collaboration with others. The documents on this site are not perfect by any means, but demonstrate a significant progression from my writing abilities prior to taking ENGL 470. Although a career as a speech therapist usually does not entail writing these specific types of documents, the skills I have acquired will be extremely useful in the future. The eight Cs of professional writing will be applicable to any kind of work-related writing that I will have to do. When communicating with clients, it’s important to relate information in a clear and concise manner, and the concepts that I have learned in this course will help with that. Document design is another skill that I will be able to transfer into my future profession. I may be tasked with creating informational flyers and brochures to communicate treatment information or facts about disease prevention. In the case that I end up working in private practice, it’s also possible that I will have to create marketing materials to promote the facility. In speech pathology, it’s also very common to work as part of a team. I’m grateful that we had the opportunity to work extensively in groups, as negotiation and compromise is an essential part of almost any job.