Rhetorical Analysis


In my Active Citizenship Writing class, I was expected to write a rhetorical analysis paper. The purpose of this paper was to examine a rhetorical artifact and write about how it can influence audience members. I chose to write my rhetorical analysis on the book, The Help. The outline of this paper included an introduction, methods section, analysis section, and a conclusion. The book, The Help is a novel about a black maid in the south named Aibileen Davis who in the beginning of the story never speaks her mind regarding how she has been mistreated while working as a maid. The Help is considered a rhetorical artifact because it allows the audience to have an open interpretation of racial events that took place in the story. By completing this writing assignment, I have learned that the use of rhetoric is helpful when trying to reveal truths about our society. Ethos was used throughout the book to convey to the audience that race was a serious issue for maids in the south. Writing this rhetorical analysis has also taught me how to be a better active citizen in my community. Giving respect to others, creating a positive impact on others and treating others how I would want to be treated are some ways I will strive to be a better active citizen.