So far during this internship I have learned many things. The most important thing that I have learned is to not be afraid. I am always weary about sharing my thoughts and opinions on things because I fear they are not good enough. While I am still working on this flaw, I feel like I am coming to terms with the fact that I have no reason to be afraid. I am at this internship to learn and grow so that when the time comes I am ready for a real job and no longer have obstacles to overcome. I will not be judged here because the other workers in the office are here to teach me. So while that is something I am learning that is also the biggest challenge I have faced. I have no shown my full potential because I am still holding back out of fear. But fortunately I feel myself breaking out of my shell more and wanting to be more involved. Also during this internship so far I have learned the value of teamwork. While conducting one-on-one interviews with everyone in the office I noticed a pattern. Each of them mentioned teamwork and how this office would not run as smoothly without it. Sacrifices need to be made in order to get all the work done so they made it clear that no one is above any work that is presented. These experiences have helped me when thinking about a future career because I have realized that the environment of the office has a bigger impact on work than one would think. It is important to have a comfortable and open work environment so that you know the best work is being put forth. I hope that when the times comes I am lucky enough to be a part of a work atmosphere as wonderful as this one.