In my second internship, I was able to put my teaching skills into practice at Prince Edward Middle School. I collaborated with a special education teacher who is responsible for assisting students in 7th grade and being a team teacher in two 7th grade math classes. I learned that my classroom management skills can always be improved and that building professional connections with students are important. Many students challenged my authority in the beginning, but many were sad to see me leave when my internship ended. I created and taught several small group math lessons to students with specific learning disabilities in mathematics. Through trial and error, I learned how to best deliver lessons to students using direct instruction and teaching students in their zone of proximal development. I will remember all the students I taught. This experience has grown my confidence in my ability to teach others.
The above document was my final journal reflection for my internship which summarizes my experience. I learned that I must focus on what I can do to helps students that is within my ability to do so. I had to plan knowing that my time was limited, thus I strived to assist students make the most progress as possible. I am grateful for the experience I have been given and I was excited to see my skills in action. I recognize that there is always room for improvement.