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3.4 Collaborate effectively in a group setting within the discipline.

In most of my biology courses at Longwood, I have been in courses that require group work. I think this is actually very beneficial to me because in a work or lab environment, I will be collaborating with people the majority of the time. In my introductory classes I did a lot of group work, but did more solo projects in higher level classes.



Comparison of Amphibian Diversity Between Lentic Habitats

In Introduction to Ecology and Evolution, I participated in a project that relied heavily on group work. We had to go out into the field and collect samples which required more than one person to do, and then also presented our project as a group. We had to meet several times to collect data, analyze it, put the project together, and prepare for the research symposium. This taught me early on in my college career how to work with others, and how to compromise with those who you have differing opinions with.


Comparison of Canine and Feline Saliva 

In Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional, I worked with a partner on a project. This partner happened to be one of my good friends, so this was a different experience than being randomly grouped with people. We had to make sure we stayed on track and focused, even though it was fun to work together. This project also required us to go out and collect samples, and then collaborate on data analysis. We then presented these results in oral presentation at the end of the semester.

“You Didn’t Touch These Jellyfish, but They Can Sting You With Tiny Grenades” by Cara Giaimo

In my senior capstone seminar, we mostly do presentations. We were divided into groups at the beginning of the semester and present different things each week. Working with the same group on multiple projects is interesting because, as a group, we can assess our grades and feedback and work together to improve our presentations. One example of a project we did was a New York Times article of our choosing. We summarized and shared a novel scientific article with the class.

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