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Meghan Hall’s Biology ePortfolio

Welcome to my ePortfolio! This website acts as a guide to me experiences that I have from my time at Longwood. In May 2021, I anticipate to graduate with a degree in biology and a second degree in chemistry. Some of the relevant biology coursework that I have taken are: Anatomy and Physiology I&II, Genetics, Evolution, Biochemistry Microbiology, and Toxicology. Some of my relevant chemistry and mathematics courses are: Statistics, Calculus, Physics I&II, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Lab I&II, Quantitative Analysis, Instrumental Analysis, and Medicinal Chemistry. Currently, I am working on a research project in which I am investigating the effects of cancer mutations on the protein p300. I plan to participate in an internship where I work full time on this in the summer, which I also participated in last summer. My faculty mentor and I are also working on a manuscript for publication. If you are interested to learn more about me, click the links above to find some examples of my work!

Presenting my research at the PRISM showcase!

Summer 2019, in the lab I do research in!

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