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SHAV 2018

This past week, I had the pleasure of attending the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) Conference with my graduate cohort in the Longwood Communication Sciences & Disorders graduate program. During my experience at this event, I was able to hear from leading professionals in our field about their research and experience treating patients, and many taught us new tips and tricks that we can apply in therapy to achieve better outcomes with patients. I was able to network with professionals across the state and learn about their careers and positions as speech language pathologists in different areas of our field. During my attendance at SHAV, I was also lucky enough to have the opportunity to present the research that I have been working on with my cohort members TIa Javier, Kristen Knowsley, and Rachel Pegelow. During our presentation, we were able to hone the professional skills we have learned while in our program here at Longwood. Overall, I had an absolutely amazing and eye-opening experience at SHAV this year, and I am so thankful that the professors in my program here at Longwood were so encouraging and supportive in this research and presentation experience!


Katie Lester’s awesome experience at the SHAV conference!

I had a wonderful educational experience attending the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) conference in Williamsburg, VA last week. This conference presented the latest research, trends, and challenges present in the dynamic field of speech-language pathology. I attended several speaker sessions, but my favorite presented on telepractice. This exciting session outlined the many considerations for a clinician interested in incorporating telepractice. This conference also had a poster presentation session where my cohort and I presented our research projects. These research projects have taken months to complete and it was so rewarding to stand in front of our finished posters and present. Plus, a group in my cohort won first place out of over 20 research projects! Overall, I found this experience to be very empowering and I can’t wait to attend again in the future.


SHAV 2018

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the 60th SHAV Conference in Williamsburg, VA. Throughout the weekend, I was able to attend several sessions focusing on effectively using AAC devices, both low- and high-tech, and including AAC users in social situations. One of my main interests lies in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), and I am currently one of the student clinicians running a social group that includes AAC users. Having the chance to hear from professionals specializing in this area of the field was one of the highlights of my trip and I definitely got some ideas to use with my students.

My research partners and I also had the opportunity to present the study we had been working on since last semester as part of SHAV’s Poster Presentations. While we knew our study front-to-back, explaining it to professionals in the field and answering questions about our reasons, methods, and results was nerve-racking! The presentation room was huge and we spoke to more people than I remembered to count. However, we are very happy to say that after a lot of hard work, we took home first place out of the 22 posters presented!



Alumni and Career Services

Non-Standard Part-Time, Fall & Spring

  • Meet 1:1 with students for career counseling
  • Deliver presentations to classes and student organizations
  • Assist with events and programming for entire Office of Alumni and Career Services unit
  • Manage the front desk, main phone line, and email address for University Career Services
  • This GA must be able to work 20 hours per week

For full job description, contact University Career Services Director Bryan Rose,, 434.395.4931

Non-Standard Part-Time Academic Assistant Position
Alumni and
Career Services
Funding Source:  University Career Services
Status:  FILLED


Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia


Poster presentation at SHAV 2018.

On Thursday, March 22nd and Friday, March 23rd I had the pleasure of attending the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia annual conference in Williamsburg, VA. This conference was an extremely beneficial educational experience. I expanded my knowledge on supervisor and making the most of the internship process as a student. I also gain insight into the relationships between speech-language pathologists and nurses in hospital setting during the collaborative care of adults with dysphagia. A highlight of the conference for me was a session that looked at the multifaceted treatment of children was multiple disabilities in a clinical environment. Three professionals from different disciplines presented this session and it was very well done. On Friday, I had the opportunity to present a poster summarizing research that my partners had been preparing since August. I am very thankful for this experience.


SHAPE America Conference: Nashville, TN 2018

Hey my name is David Van. Traveling to Nashville, TN and having the chance to interact with such a wide variety of individuals was inspiring. Having the opportunity to experience the enthusiasm attendees and presenters had made me even more inspired to enter the field of health and physical education after my graduate year at Longwood University. Not only were there presentations that were informative and interactive but the skills the presenters showed demonstrated their desire to better the field. At this conference, I attended meetings and sessions, however, presenting with our fellow graduate students from James Madison University was quite an extravagant event. We came together to inform others within the field about providing individuals with disabilities an opportunity to participate with their fellow classmates in physical education classes. We brought in a room full of teachers and future professionals and educated them on how adapting and modifying tasks to include individuals with disabilities will better the student, class, and teacher. Experiencing a national conference is nothing like anything else I have experienced. If you ever get the chance to attend a SHAPE America Conference, please do because you will always walk away with something positive!


SHAPE America Conference: Nashville, TN 2018

Longwood University has always provided me with a variety of opportunities. I have been fortunate enough to attend three VAHPERD state conferences and one other SHAPE America Conference throughout my undergraduate years at Longwood University. The generosity of Graduate Studies has allowed me to continue attending professional development opportunities for my fifth year at Longwood. I had just as much fun and learned just as much as I had at all other conferences I previously attended, but this one was different. I was able to present with professors and other graduate students from Longwood and JMU about putting children’s abilities before their disabilities. The amazing part is that I was able to learn just about as much from the participants as they learned from me by listening to their experiences in the profession. This experience allowed me to get outside my comfort zone and use the skills and information Longwood has provided me and share those with others in the Health and Physical Education field.

I was also able to reunite with a previous Longwood University professor who taught my first physical education course. It was truly eye-opening to see how much we’ve grown and learned throughout the years. I look forward to attending National and State Conferences as a Longwood Alumni after graduating in May!





SHAV Conference 2018

The SHAV conference in Williamsburg was a wonderful experience as a leveling graduate student, and the poster presentations were a big success. My group’s topic was, “Does Speaking Fundamental Frequency Influence Ratings of Speaker Competence and Social Attractiveness?” We gave a general run down of our experience to many observers who stopped by to check it out. My group and I did a great job breaking it down into sections in order to have equal playing field when presenting. I discussed our topic, how we came up with our question, past studies that influenced our decision on choosing to look at fundamental frequency, and our general hypothesis. Chelsey discussed our participants and procedures, while Katie explained the measurements and results, in which there was no significance between fundamental frequency and social attractiveness. Laurin concluded by talking about our limitations and things to consider and fix in order for future research to be done. We spent the other days participating in multiple sessions pertaining to SLP and audiology. It was a phenomenal learning experience, and I highly encourage all CSD students, graduate and undergraduate, to experience it at least once throughout their education process. 

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2018 CCCC Annual Convention

Earlier this March, I had the privilege of traveling to Kansas City, MO with Dr. James Holsinger and Dr. Heather Lettner-Rust to present at the Conference on College Composition and Communication. This was my first time in Kansas City and my first time at this type of conference. I was amazed at how many college educators and graduate students there were at this conference! While I was at the conference, I met educators from all over the country. I attended several sessions at the conference, but the one I found most interesting was titled “Crossing Multiple Borders: Re-Languaging Space/Place in Relation to Writing Practices in ESL, Hearing-Impaired, STEM, Transcultural, and Digital Practices.” I was immediately drawn to this session because of my special education background. This panel consisted of four graduate students from Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, and each one talked about one of the aspects listed in the title. One of the key things I took away from this presentation is that people who are hearing-impaired ought to be considered second language learners in addition to being a part of those with disabilities. I had always considered students with hearing impairments to be solely part of the disabled community, so this was a new concept for me.

This conference was also beneficial because I got to practice my presentation skills. I was very nervous to present because I had never presented at a conference before. When the time came to present, though, I felt more at ease because we had practiced so much. Our session also included presenters from Christopher Newport University. It was a neat experience to be able to present a study at a conference with people from a different university who were also researching a similar topic.


CSD Goes to SHAV

First year students in the Communication Sciences and Disorders graduate program attended the Speech-Language Hearing Association Conference from March 22 – March 24th in Williamsburg, VA. The students attended conference sessions over the three days and presented research at the Graduate Student Poster Presentations! The group of 21 students, divided into 6 research groups, presented their research projects from the last 7 months. The Longwood students competed with other graduate students from each CSD program in the state of Virginia.

Longwood took home 1st place! Students Leah Horton, Jalyn Taylor, and Seraphina Chabinec won with their research project titled “Results of Voice Disorder Prevention Training for Physical Education Majors.” This group developed a vocal hygiene training module, which was distributed among Longwood’s 5 Health & Physical Education graduate students in their student teaching semester.

Congratulations to the three 1st place winners!

Each research group in the CSD program will also be participating in Longwood’s Graduate Research Symposium on April 24th.

Below are a few pictures of the CSD researchers with their posters: