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School Librarianship

Full-Time, Fall & Spring

  • Provide instructional assistance for both hybrid and online courses
  • Conduct research needed for course content and professional scholarship
  • Track emerging trends and issues in the field
  • Provide assistance in preparing for the Summer Literacy Institute

For full job description, contact Mr. Carl Harvey,, 434.395.2608

Standard Full-Time Academic Assistant
College of Education & Human Services – School Librarianship
Funding Source:  CGPS
Status:  FILLED


HARK (Health, Athletic Training, Recreation & Kinesiology) Teaching Assistant

Full-time, Fall & Spring

  • Teach, assist, and develop and assess lessons for Kinesiology (KINS) undergraduate courses

For full job description, contact Ms. Tena Ewing,, 434.395.2558

Standard Full-Time Teaching Assistant
College of Education & Human Services – HARK
Funding Source:  CGPS
Status:  FILLED


Counselor Education

Full-Time, Fall & Spring

  • Assist with electronic organization of material related to the Field Placement manual for ease of student and faculty access
  • Help produce a professional-quality electronic Counselor Education newsletter to be distributed to students and alumni, to serve as both a showcase of program and student accomplishments and a networking and recruitment tool

For full job description, contact Dr. Jennifer Apperson,, 434.395.2323

Standard Full-Time Academic Assistant
College of Education & Human Services – Counselor Education
Funding Source:  Sue Saunders Counselor Education Assistantship
Status:  FILLED


GSA Paint Night

On Friday, February 16th, the Graduate Student Association (GSA) hosted a paint party at Red Door 104 on Main Street. All graduate students were invited to attend. This paint night, which is a bi-annual event, departed from the usual Longwood inspired paintings and instead painted beautiful Willow Trees!

A big thank you to Audrey Sullivan, owner of Red Door 104 for planning a wonderful night of fun and relaxation during our busy semesters.


Home-based Counseling Project Assistant

Spring 2018
Non-standard part-time

  • Assist in the development, organization, and implementation of a new course on home-based (in-home) counseling to be taught in Richmond during the summer of 2018.
  • Locate primary literature sources on home-based counseling and compile the material for class use once permissions have been secured.
  • This Graduate Assistant may assist with marketing the course and monitoring student attendance (or other non-teaching responsibilities) during the class.
  • Knowledge of the counseling field required.
  • This GA must be able to work 250 hours from March through July, 2018. 

If you have questions, please contact Dr. Jennifer Apperson,, 434.395.2323

Non-standard Part-Time Academic Assistant
College of Education and Human Services – Counselor Education
Funding Source:  NCG Grant
Status:  FILLED


Professional Development day!

Longwood University Graduate students kicked off the semester with a Professional Development day!

Professional Development, which took place on February 4th 2018, attendees had the opportunity to learn about networking, take head shots, attend two educational sessions, plus enjoy an etiquette lunch.

An alumni panel started off the event titled “What I wish I knew.” Alumni shared advice learned from experience graduating college and entering the professional world. Students were also able to ask their own questions.

The alumni then joined the students for a networking. Current and past students met together to share tips and tricks about this portion of the professional world. During the networking event, students had the opportunity to take headshots, which can be used for LinkedIn profiles or other professional sites.

The first informational session titled “Conquering Conferences” was a panel of professors and professionals who have attended numerous conferences for their own discipline of studies. They shared advice about how to navigate the overwhelming world of conferences, what to look out for, and how to really get the most from the experience.

As a break between sessions, the attendees took part in an etiquette lunch. Catered by Aramark, attendees learned the correct etiquette for formal dinner situations, and etiquette for other types of professional meals.

Professional Development day ended with another informational session titled “Interviewing tips and tricks.” The office of Career Services presented on how to prepare for interviews and how to make the day less nerve-wracking.


Longwood graduate students take on CrossFit!

CrossFit with the Dean took place on January 26th 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Members of the Graduate Student Association got to see how they hold up to our very own Dean Perry during a rigorous hour of exercise. Though CrossFit has a reputation for not going easy on you, the students had a great time! Many of them got to learn what CrossFit is all about. Dean Perry, of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies, provided prizes including a free CrossFit sessions to one lucky student!