Standard (300 hours/semester), Fall 2025 & Spring 2026
This GA position works with Longwood LIFE to add support to students in the Longwood LIFE program and to the program overall. Duties to support Longwood LIFE students include providing scaffolding and supervision needed in classes and in job coaching. The GA and other work study students provide prompting and take data on student progress. They write progress reports to help students grow. Additional duties with students include serving as student mentors with adding support for communication and effective relationship building. The job also includes working with the director and program aide on creating schedules, working with job coaches, and contacting parents about program events. Assistance with creating and planning program events is needed throughout the year. This job requires availability 9-5 on Wednesdays and Fridays during the 12-week Longwood LIFE semesters.
Questions can be directed to Dr. Karen Feathers,
Standard (300 hours/semester; $3,000 in tuition coverage and a $4,500 stipend)
Teaching Assistant Position
College of Education & Human Services – Longwood LIFE
Funding Source: CGPS
Status: Open