College of Education & Human Services – Special Education Program
- Provide assistance to both full-time and adjunct faculty in conducting research for updating course content, preparing materials, and delivering classes in both face-to-face and hybrid formats
- Edit and upload digital video for the SPED 689 course
- Update the SPED Program Handbook
- Assist faculty to track program data bases used for reaccreditation
- Assist faculty with research projects, grant generation, and conference presentations including using SPSS for research
- Provide assistance in developing the new residency cohort in the C&I pathway and communicating with participants in the cohort
- Assist with the organization and cataloging of the curriculum library
- Assist the SPED faculty and staff with the development and running of the various scheduled SPED institutes (e.g. Autism Spectrum Disorders Institute)
For full job description, contact Dr. Chris Jones, jonescd@longwood.edu, 434.394.2375
Part-Time Position FILLED
Funding Source: CGPS