English 265

English 265 was the only foundation/pillar course I was required to take since I transferred in with credits. I really enjoyed this class, because it was my first real taste of university-level writing. I did well in my writing at the community college I attended, earning mostly As and Bs on my papers. However, when I started writing papers for Dr. Taylor, my grades were not the same. I was shocked that my writing that once was so good was now B-, C+ work. This class taught me a lot about research and made me understand the importance of it.

The paper I attached was definitely my favorite throughout the semester. I was able to research and write about a passion of mine all while getting the grade. I’ve never really enjoyed research or formal writing, but when it comes to an important topic such as global warming, I don’t mind doing the work. I would recommend this course to everyone because I feel like it was a very broad yet informative course that has taught me different levels or thinking, writing, researching, and critiquing. Overall, I enjoyed this course and I believe it is taught by an amazing professor!



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