

My name is Ericka Credo Evangelista. I currently study Business Administration with a Management concentration. I have been specializing in this field for six years on top of the personal experience I gained along the way. As a kid, I had a lot of interests and hobbies that I hoped I could turn into a career. I had an early start when my mom started her own scrapbooking store. I witnessed the ins and outs of running a business behind the scenes, behind the register, and as an instructor. As a teenager, I found my niche in fashion design and my inspiration and motivation for starting my own business.

I gained six years of retail experience over the years, as well as, obtaining a summer job as a student administrative assistant working for the federal government. One of my notable positions as a cashier was obtained when living overseas on a military base in Italy with my family. I feel as though it was one of the most challenging yet rewarding positions I’ve held. I worked alongside Italian co-workers and interacted with customers from all over Europe. The language barrier was the most difficult challenge however, I was able to overcome it and provide every customer with the quality customer service the business prided themselves on. I also received Customer Service, Loss Prevention, and Active Shooter training which I believe has helped me tremendously in pursuing a business career. Before I left the position to move back to the U.S., I was being trained to accept a new role as the Head cashier of the department. I feel I learned a lot when taking on the responsibilities of making the break schedules for each shift of cashiers, updating the cashiers on the current daily discounts and sale items, working with other department heads and managers to tend to any customers questions or concerns. I believe I’m a very hard worker; and I strive to represent each company I work for well with my strong work ethic and knowledge of customer service practices.


The purpose of my ePortfolio is to document my progress as a student in my ENGL 400 course. The content of my ePortfolio includes our course assignments and class activities to include:

  • Course Journal Entries – A compilation of short journal entries I made where I connected my own examples that shows my understanding of the course concepts.
  • Rhetorical Analysis – An eight-page analysis of a rhetorical situation using my knowledge of the course concepts and utilizing them to persuade an audience of my thesis.
  • Common Good Project – A website, brochure, and rationale statement created with a partner to provide research and discuss a common good topic utilizing course concepts to persuade an audience to take action.
  • Conclusion – An overall reflection of the course and how I believe I completed the course learning outcomes of the ENGL 400 course.

At the start of the course, Professor Guler asked the class to describe what we believe it means to be an “Active Citizen.” Through the completion of our course assignments, I was able to see how having a voice and using it to speak for what is right is the start of what it takes to be an active citizen.

“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice

and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.”

-Madeleine Albright

Course Learning Outcomes:

1) engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues;

2) understand the nature of public discourse/debate as determined by purpose, audience, and context;

3) choose appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes;

4) analyze the effectiveness of their own texts and processes for specific rhetorical situations;

5) understand how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership