Oh philosophy! Biomedical Ethics, whoop whoop! I dreaded going to this class every evening at 3:00 in the afternoon. I could never get an understanding of the class as a whole. What was the purpose. My professor, Dr. Moore, just sort of jumped into philosophy. I was mind-blown! After going to his office hours a few times (after the first test I knew I needed his help), I started to actually understand his style of teaching and what the class focused on.

Shockingly enough, this class turned out to be one of my favorites! It was so exciting to realize how theories have priority over many subjects. Is the subject you’re speaking of valid? Sound? One of my favorite examples is about a trolley:

Someone is lying on the tracks up above. A trolley full of passengers is on its way. Does the person at the lever pull down the lever causing the passengers to die to save that one person? Or does the person leave the lever and cause the trolley to kill that one individual on the track?

IT IS SO EXCITING! Because either way is wrong! It just really opened my eye on several subjects that I was had belief of how it should be. I loved this class and wish I could take it again.

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