Thursday, March 8

We continued our investigation of mail by brainstorming a “mailing list” of whom we would like to send mail to. The children each had an opportunity to share some ideas of who they might be interested in sending mail to. This list was compiled over two days. Most of the suggestions were their classmates, as well as friends from the Magnolia Room. A few friends suggested other teachers while two mentioned family members.

Our mailing list. A copy is located in the Writing Area for the children to refer to.

I think that this list gives some insight into the scope of the children’s thinking at this point regarding mail, considering how early we are into our study. Most of the children suggested friends they already had direct experience with in communicating via writing in the classroom. I am very curious to see if this will change as we learn more about the size and scope of mail in our community! Might it be exciting to learn that mail can be used as tool to connect us to not just our friends in class, but people all over the world? 

In addition to our project work, the children participated in an ice painting activity provided by Mrs. Smith. Painting continues to be a favorite activity in our classroom! The ice paint provided an especially sensory-rich experience. Participants noted that the ice was cool to the touch and felt smooth when manipulated on the paper.

Ice painting with frozen tempera paint

Initially attempting to dry their paintings faster, Matthew and Elliana pressed paper towels onto the surface of their paintings. They discovered that doing this changed the image of their painting, almost “blurring” it and making it more matte. Another discovery was of the resulting print that appeared on the paper towel! Through this, we were able to reflect back to when we made prints using styrofoam for the LCVA Youth Art Month show. How convenient that these are currently on display in the front of the piazza? I couldn’t have asked for better timing as a teacher!

Printmaking with a paper towel

After working on his painting, which he described as a “rainbow”, Isaiah decided that he wanted to send his painting to Mrs. Jackson. This led to a discussion on how we could deliver the piece to her. Today was one of the days that she only works in the afternoon, so she wasn’t present for us to give it to her. Mrs. Jackson is also a floater and spends time in all of the classrooms. So how would we know where to deliver the painting? In a near-perfect circle back to our study on mail, Isaiah and his friends decided that perhaps we could label the painting with her name and message, so that she knows it was made for her by Isaiah. They also decided that Mrs. Jackson needs a place to put her mail. This problem is one that we will be working towards solving in the coming days during our project work!

Also, for those asked this morning, here is a link for the tempera paint sticks that the children were using in the Piazza this morning (and often use in the classroom!)