During my first semester at Longwood University, I was able to attend the Fall Symposium, the Fall Student Showcase for Research and Creative Inquiry. At the showcase, I was able to present to students, faculty, and staff my research and my findings from my groups project. My group decided to test the effects of pH Levels on Seed Germination. Our goal was to determine which pH levels would allow sunflower seeds to germinate. Our hypothesis was that plain water would allow seeds to germinate more than other pH levels. We put five seeds in five petri dishes for each liquid. After five days, we calculated the percent germination and measured the root length of all germinated seedlings. Black bread mold had formed over the petri dishes for some substances, orange juice and baking soda, presenting a possible obstacle for their use in a classroom setting. After attending the showcase, I now know the best ways to present information to others in the future.

During my second year at Longwood, I attended another Student Showcase, the Spring Symposium. With this showcase, my fellow classmates and I presented our findings from our research on teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic. I learned many things about myself when I was getting my research and with this showcase presentation. I enjoyed being able to interview an elementary school teacher and asking that teacher questions about their time teaching in the pandemic. During the showcase presentation, I presented the information I attained from my research while my classmates presented information that they attained. After attending this showcase, I have a better idea of how to attain research and then how to present that research to others.