Directed Study
For this Study Abroad opportunity, I was able to complete it 100% virtually. It was a directed study with students from the Netherlands and the US. We were analyzing the impact of Covid-19 in both the US and the Netherlands and discussing how it affected us. This class was worth one credit and it was considered as an honors course. I had chosen to complete a virtual study abroad option rather than an in person study abroad option because of the pandemic. During this whole school year, I have been completely online at home and I wanted to continue to stay safe and keep my family safe by studying abroad virtually.
Even though it was virtual, I still really liked this study abroad experience. Originally, before the pandemic, I had wanted to study abroad in person in the Netherlands because of the education program. So, I was really excited when I learned that this study abroad course worked with students from the Netherlands.
For our big project we were broken down into groups. In my group was two Netherland students and two US students. I loved meeting the dutch students in my group and forming relationships with them. They were both very friendly and very hardworking. I learned a lot about Dutch culture from being in this course and being with the Dutch students.
During our time together, we were tasked to make a podcast, podcast trailer, and an infographic on a social innovation that we came up with on the topic of Covid-19. I really liked our social innovation it was called, the change within us. Our goal was to help people who are going through depression because of the pandemic and provide them with different tools they could do during their free time. Below, I attached our infographic for our social innovation that we all collaborated on.