HIST 222

US History 1877 Modern Times History

In my History class with Professor Dudley Shotwell, we focused on the continuity and the change in American life from 1877 to modern times. Before taking the class, I was a little nervous because history was always a hard subject for me. However, as soon as I started the class I loved it and I understood everything perfectly. I liked that it was more speaking infused rather than writing infused and that when we took notes, we didn’t copy them from a powerpoint, we talked about the topic and we wrote down what we thought was important.  This teaching style really helped me with writing notes that work for me and not just for everyone else.

I learned a lot about myself in this class. I learned that history isn’t that hard of a subject to learn, it’s the teachers that make it hard. I loved that my professor was so thoughtful and helped us all if we were confused or had any questions.

For our final project we had to create a Buzzfeed article that describes the seven ways that studying US History 1877 to modern times history shaped the way we think about things. This was my favorite project to complete. I loved being able to pretend to create my own Buzzfeed article. For my exam I chose to discuss the mistreatment of different races and how they fought through it. Attached is a copy of my final project.

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