An Introduction to Samuel Creel

If you’ve ever met me you’ll have immediately noticed a pretty defining physical characteristic of mine. My height doesn’t define me as a person, but it’s hard not to have it be the first thing people associate with you when you’re 6’8. Because of this I’ve had a pretty easy time starting conversations and making friends, since they usually start a conversation with me about it. For that reason I wasn’t too worried about college, but it’s still nice that it worked out. College has always been my goal through my early life. With that being the case, I still have never been truly sure what I wanted to accomplish with it. Coming in with so many credits it left with only one real path through college. I needed to focus on my major intensely and try to take as many as quick as I can. I’m majoring in English with a concentration in Technical and Professional Writing. But all work and no play will make me sad, that I am fully aware of. Because of this I have made a concerted effort to socialize and get along with as many people as possible. As I progress through college I hope to join more clubs and engage in many extracurriculars. Even then, I don’t know what I would consider most important to me about this experience. Obviously my degree takes priority, but I also want to meet as many people as possible. At the same time, I want to grow as a person and explore new hobbies and find out new things about myself. At the end of the day, what’s most important to me is becoming a better person. I hope that college will facilitate that growth.