Course Journal


The course journal assignments were established at the beginning of the semester. These informal assignments were one of the first we had to complete for the class.  About every week, we were given a chapter in our class textbook, Rhetoric in Civic Life, we had to read. After reading each chapter, we had to make a course journal entry that presents at least one takeaway point from the reading. We had to explain this point in a well-developed paragraph with specific details and examples from the chapter. At the beginning, I kept on getting four out of five points on the journal entries. I then started using pictures and ways it was involved in the community which lead to me receiving full points on the assignments. With this being said, I believe that I do have an “understanding on how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership”. Since I had to not only read but also write about the rhetorical course concepts, it gave me a better understanding on how I used the knowledge of the context in the journal entries. I also had a better understanding because I had to create my own examples and find pictures or articles that related back to the course concept. For example, I did my chapter eight journal entry on exigence. An exigence is an issue, problem, or situation that causes or prompts someone to write about it or speak about it, a problem that needs to be addressed. In the book, they used the example about the hurricane, because the civilians reaction is the exigence. Then I used my understandings of what exigence is and related it back to a television show, Hawaii Five-0. I used the example when Chin Ho Kelly got abducted and placed in jail so the inmates, he put in jail, could brutally abuse and beat him to death. They had to go against orders just to save one of their owns life because they were in a situation that needed to be addressed then and there. One thing that I believe is very important while reading is to keep the rhetorical strategies in mind (Pathos, logos, ethos) because this will give us a better understanding of what the context we are reading is about.

Journal Entry #3; Due one February 8, 2018:

Journal Entry #4; Due on February 15, 2018:

Here is Journal entry # 6; due on February 27, 2018. I got a 4.6 out of five because I did not relate it to anything outside of the book context. Therefore means I did not use my own example.

Journal Entry #8; Due on March 27, 2018:

Journal Entry #9; Due on April 3, 2018: