
“Expand your knowledge by always expanding your community.”


The Community pillar of the Cormier Honors College is the most obvious and visible in the daily life of an Honors scholar. Personally, I have found this being the most comforting aspect of Honors because I know I am cared about and valued by the faculty and peers. My day-to-day life at Longwood just wouldn’t be the same without saying hello to familiar Honors faces out on campus. Also, most every Honors freshman resides in Wheeler Hall, the heart of Honors. With Freshman year being a crucial and transitional time, it was a relief to live amongst other Honors students. The atmosphere of my hall was fun, friendly, and neighborly, which not always guaranteed for a Freshman dormitory experience. While most Freshman are yearning for communities to belong to, Honors scholars have a community built into their Freshman experience, which is a phenomenal opportunity.

My favorite aspect of the Community pillar of the Cormier Honors College is that we are out there at Longwood. While we stand as our own community, we are a force in the greater Lancer community. We are artists, writers, thinkers, mathematicians, singers, teachers, sorority sisters, fraternity brothers, scientists, philosophers, economists, dancers, believers, and social workers. We aren’t superior to anyone and we aren’t necessarily smarter than anyone. We are just like everyone else, except only we are bound by the pillar of community.