Honors Pillars


Community plays a big roll in the Honors College at Longwood and is one of the reasons why I chose to go to Longwood. The Honors College allows you to have people to turn to if you need help planning your schedule or just need somewhere to go to destress and talk with fellow honor members. The first day in honors week you are grouped together and get to meet people who are feeling the way your are and make friendships doing activities together or traveling places together. The honors week was one of my favorite weeks because I have made so many friends through it. Even without the activities, being able to socialize on the wheeler hall and meet other people developed a sense of community I will forever be grateful for. Everywhere I go I see at least one person I know because of the Honors College.


Scholarship in the Honors College is not only about maintaining a Grade Point Average of 3.25 or higher, it’s about striving to do the best in all that you do. Honors students put forth their best in all of their work, even if they are not particularly interested in the certain topic. Scholarship is also going to office hours when you need assistance on a topic and asking questions to fully understand. You don’t have to understand everything the first time, but make sure to ask questions and get help when you need it. Scholarship has always been very important to me, especially having a goal and the honors college gives you a goal GPA of 3.25. I always push myself to excel in academics and the first semester I made Deans list and I was .04 from making Deans List a second time.


Service is about giving back to the community. This is a very big deal, not only in the Honors College but in Longwood itself. There is always a way to get involved and volunteer and they are posted around the school or on social media. I love this aspect of the Honors College because it gives me opportunities to be involved. During the first honors week we participated in service. My group helped other freshman move into the dorms of Wheeler, Cox, and Curry. This shows how important service is to the Honors College.