
Hi, my name is Alyssa.  I am a nursing major at Longwood University and in Cormier Honors College. I am also pursuing a minor in health education and currently set to graduate in the May of 2023.

To tell a little bit more about myself, I’m from Richmond, VA and have five siblings. Family is a big part of my life and plays into much of why I want to be a nurse. I have two sisters and three brothers. I am one of the oldest and have taken on more responsibility as one of the oldest. I have helped out with homework and other chores for my siblings. Both of my parents work, so we have grown up more as latchkey kids. However, we have always been close and that bond has stayed true since I entered college.

At present, I am a rising junior in my major program, but I entered Longwood University in the year of 2018.

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