Wax Museum

A Wax Museum is great alternative to a conventional research paper. Not only will students actually enjoy this project, they will most likely retain the information better by doing something that they wouldn’t normally do. Students are still working on their abilities to right a standard paper that is more condensed to put in front of their exhibit. There are also working on their oral skills by talking about themselves as if they were that historical person. Standard research papers are a necessity for students to learn, however, what do they really get out of it? Most students do their best work on projects that they are interested in. This also allows students to be more creative than they could be doing a normal research paper. Teachers often forget that it’s good to change things up a bit. When students get in the habit of doing the same type of activities, they are not getting as much out of it as you might think. Changing it up challenges students, as well as keeping things interesting.