Jackson Hole

May 16, 2016


Location: Jackson, WY North Jackson Street to Cache Street

Jackson Hole is a flat town surrounded by mountains. We explored the section behind downtown. There were a lot of hotels in this section of town. We did notice a few smaller houses in this area. They did not compare to the hotels that we noticed. There were a couple of restaurants in this area, locally owned businesses, and smaller shops. A small park was located behind one of the hotels we saw. Walking around was difficult at times due to the lack of sidewalks behind the main part of town. Jackson Hole, WY holds 9,577 people. Housing here is expensive, typically houses range from $50,000 to over $1 million dollars with the average income being $64,345. Also, when we were walking through talk we noticed bunch of help wanted signs in multiple store windows. When talking to the people of Jackson a common theme that arose was the housing issues. One man informed us how only 3% of the land is build-able, yet so many people want to live here. This town is generally filled with tourist. It’s a tourist town. This is obvious through all the hotels that we saw in our part of town. Most of the businesses we saw were geared toured the tourist population. Another person that we spoke to had an assumption about the town. He commented on the fact that this town is pro-environment. We determined that this could be an indication of the town being left-sided. In general, the people of Jackson were welcoming to the tourist community, but had serious concerns regarding property values and development.


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One thought on “Jackson Hole”

  1. Hi guys. Good job giving clear date, time, and location up front as well as the mention of landscape. Make sure you remember that your audience is not me. You are writing for anyone who might read this public blog. What do you mean by the town being “left-sided”? Do you mean politically liberal? Did you see other indicators of that?

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