Facts & Figures on Women, Poverty & Economics

There is a direct link between increased female labour participation and growth: It is estimated that if women’s paid employment rates were raised to the same level as men’s, America’s GDP would be 9 percent higher; the euro-zone’s would be 13 percent higher, and Japan’s would be boosted by 16 percent.  Continue here.

1 comment

    • Katherine Locke on December 2, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    It continues to upset me when I read about how hard women work and earn so much less than men. If a man and a woman have the exact same job doing the exact same thing then they should earn equal amount of money. When I start my career I expect to be paid because of my hard work and time, not any less because I am a woman. The reason I go to school is to get a good education so therefore I can get a good job, not to get a job where I will be paid less because of who I am. I want the day to come that our sex will not be looked at in the workforce, and this goes for all around the world. Sex, ethnicity, and class should not be judged in the workforce, whoever has deserved the job and does well at it, should determine the pay deserved.

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