This class definitely challenged me both mentally and emotionally. It took so much out of me to complete this course, and I am so happy that it is over. I personally did not enjoy much of the course due to the amount of writing and other projects it involved. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my professor and my classmates, just not the class itself.
I found it really challenging to manage my time my second semester due to the clubs I was in, the sport I was playing, and my internship. It really took a toll on how well I performed in the class as well as how much I enjoyed the class. The class truly challenged me to learn good time management skills since I had to have every assignment complete in order to get the grade I wanted. I felt super overwhelmed with the work I had to do in the class as well as outside of it.
I also got super close with many individuals in my Life Stem cohort throughout the course. I particularly got close with three girls, who definitely know who they are. We studied together for the course and also held each other accountable. We would lift each other up whenever one of us did not feel like we were able to complete and assignment, and I am forever thankful for the course and our friendship.
I chose to include this paper because it is the one I was the most confident in when I wrote it.
Click here to view my Potential Problems/Alternative paper. (“Potential Problems/Alternatives” – Jeri Tyler; Written April 24, 2020)