This biology class was my first biology class here at Longwood. I honestly was so scared since I was skipping entry level biology and had not taken a class regarding similar material since my sophomore year of high school. This class taught me so much outside and inside the class that will resonate with me throughout the rest of my college career.
I was shocked at the very beginning of the class at how understanding Dr. Leech was. She was very invested in her students and would make sure everyone understood the material before moving on to another subject. She also was very helpful when it came to lab reports. Prior to her class, I had never written a lab report and was so scared. She designated time to work with me and help me understand what needs to be included in each section. She didn’t tell me what to write or how to write it, but helped me understand what belonged in each section.
The class taught me how to not be so hard on myself when it came to grades. I remember getting my first test back and receiving a B+ and actually being devastated. It sounds crazy, but before the class I was a perfectionist when it came to my grades. I would freak out or cry or have an anxiety attack if I did not receive an A on every assignment I turned in. I quickly had to learn how to cope with the grades since there was no way I would be able to survive the rest of the semester.
I felt the most challenged when it came to reading and answering questions on scientific articles. My high school never showed me how to read scientific articles or even exposed me to them. I was completely oblivious to what they were and how they were written. I bonded so well with individuals in my Life Stem program who were also in the class. They were struggling with some of the material as well so studying with them truly helped. We became so close in the class and I am so appreciative of the relationships the class brought me.
I chose to include this lab report because it is the first lab report that I have ever written. I wanted to include it so that I can compare once I write more.
Click here to view my first lab report (ever). (“Jeri’s Bio 251 Lab Report” – Jeri Tyler; October 17, 2019)