This class was definitely a challenge for me mentally. I was not prepared for everything this class entailed and was really discouraged after the first week of class. I felt like I wasn’t retaining any information and was completely devastated when receiving my first exam grade.
I knew that I needed to work harder in this class than any other class I had had before to get the grade I wanted, and I did just that. I dedicated so much time to this subject and honestly surprised myself when I finished the semester with an A-. It took so much time management as well as dedication for me to complete and succeed in her course.
I was mostly challenged with learning the material. I am a very hands on learner and most of her lessons were lecture based with pictures on the powerpoint to back up her statements. It took some time for me to adjust to her way of teaching and to learn how to study for her class. I utilized the upperclassmen I knew that had previously taken her class a lot to ask them how they studied and what worked for them. After several weeks of me trying to figure out what worked, and I mean several weeks, we had to leave Longwood due to the Coronavirus. I honestly was pretty devastated having to leave college not only because of my friends but because I had finally figured out a study routine that worked well for me and her class. It took a lot of adjusting to be able to do her class online.
I was shocked to find that the scientific article assignments were easy. In Bio 251, I struggled with those assignments which could potentially be due to the fact that it was the first time I was truly exposed to them. In Bio 250, I was able to do well with all of the assignments that were related to scientific articles. I truly know this class prepared me for the rest of my years at Longwood and showed me I am able to adjust to a class when necessary.
I chose to include a literature review assignment to show my ability to understand scientific articles. This was very difficult for me in 251, but through lots of practice I was able to finally read them and understand them.
Click here to view one of my literature review assignments. (“Literature Review Article 4” – Jeri Tyler; Written April 27, 2020)