Jeri Tyler's e-portfolio
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400-Level Courses
BIO 404
About Me
Letter to Senior Self
Biology Foundation Courses
BIO 120
BIO 250
BIO 251
Foundations Level
ENG 265
Perspective Requirements
ENGL 310
HONS 320
ISCI 310
Pillar Requirements
Symposium Requirement
CTZN 410
Goal 1: Understanding of the concepts of biological science
1.1 Identify and describe the major principles of biology
1.2 Analyze and apply the major principles of cell and molecular biology
1.3 Analyze and apply the major principles of ecology and evolution
1.4 Analyze and apply the major principles of organismal biology
1.5 Integrate physics and chemistry concepts into relevant biological contexts
1.6 Apply knowledge of biology to one or more contemporary issues in society
Goal 2: Ability to collect, organize, and evaluate scientific information
2.1 Evaluate, interpret, and apply experimental design and draw valid conclusions
2.2 Analyze data quantitatively and draw appropriate conclusions
2.3 Evaluate and interpret data in scientific literature and other sources
Goal 3: Ability to communicate science effectively within and across disciplines
3.1 Write effectively within multiple contexts
3.2 Effectively communicate orally in multiple contexts
3.3 Prepare and present, orally and in writing, to scientists in other disciplines and audiences outside the sciences
3.4 Collaborate effectively in a group setting within the discipline
3.5 Perform competently in a professional setting
Honors Courses
BIO 250: Intro to Genetics and Cell Biology
BIOL 251: Intro to Ecology and Evolution
HON 310: Stewardship of Public Waterway
HONS 315: Biomedical Ethics
HONS 320: Markets and Morals
Sophomore Seminar
Final Review Paper
General Audience Paper
Mid-Program Reflection
A Letter to Senior Self
Entering Research I
Entering Research II
LIFE STEM Seminar 1
LIFE STEM Seminar 2
Mentoring Year 1 Reflection
Mentoring Year 2 Reflection
Summer Bridge
Professional Career
Professional Development
Professional Documents
HON 310: Stewardship of Public Waterway
Click here
to view my reflection.
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