I took this class to prepare myself for tough decisions in the medical field and to gain more knowledge on controversial medical issues such as abortion and physician-assisted suicide. I truly feel like this class taught me so much and definitely prepared me for my future as a physician.
I was very excited to read philosophical works on all of the medical controversies discussed in the class to get a completely different view point. I was shocked to learn about the different views and why certain individuals viewed different topics. One thing that shocked me about the class is that it changed my views on abortion. Prior to the class I had a completely different mentality compared to when I finished the class. I even told my professor that his the philosophical readings we had to read changed my views and he was happy that something in his class actually changed a view point of his students.
I truly felt like I learned a lot about myself when reading the different papers. I found that I resonated with certain philosophers more than others and was shocked to learn their actual view points. I feel like this class definitely helped shape me into the physician I want to be and gave me information that will last a lifetime.
I chose this reflection because it was my main paper in his class.
Click here to view my movie reflection. (Rounders Film Reflection – Jeri Tyler; Written March 18, 2020)