Survey Research

In order to form good research questions, the contents of the question must be clear and it must be one singular question. It is also important to avoid double-barreled research questions as well. If you want to get good results on a survey you have to have respondents that are willing to answer the questions and are also competent enough to answer the questions. The questions in your survey must be relevant to the research question that was created. It’s important to avoid being biased in the way you formulate questions in your survey. It’s also important to avoid long and negative questions when creating a survey. Whenever you are formatting your questions it’s important to keep the formatting consistent, uncluttered, and one question per line. Questions that work well could be questions that are answered when you answer another question. You can also make your survey more pleasing and presentable to begin with shorter, easier questions and work into more thorough questions towards the end of the survey to close out. You should also put any questions regarding demographics at the end of the survey. My research question is will high parent interaction with the family fun time surveys equal high satisfaction with the different activities.

The question I’m choosing for my independent variable is “On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did
you, the parent/guardian, participate in the completion of this activity?”
The question I’m choosing for my dependent variable is “On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did
you and your child enjoy your family fun time activity?”