Mission Statements

Welcome to my mission statement page.

Professional: To reach a higher level of competency through furthering my degree and reying on the core values of courge, hard work, and dependability in order to advocate for those in need and work towards a sense of equity that changes lives in a positive way. 

  • Goal: Complete an MSW program.
  • Goal: Provide at least 1 year of service in Africa. 

Personal: To reach a level of genuine happiness through appreciating all that life has to offer and expressing the values of love, mutual respect, and genuine kindness in each path I may find myself on, while making friends along the way. 

  • Goal: Host college friendship reuinion trips once a year in order to maintain the connections of the genuine frienships I have built in college.
  • Goal: Live in a different city for one year of my life so that I can make new connections and push myself out of my comfort zone.