Journal 6

            In this chapter, we discussed Influencing. We learned more about Power, Politics, Networking, and Negotiation. One activity we did assess our use of political behavior.  In doing this activity I scored a seventy which suggests that my behavior is slightly political.  I had the highest average scores in Being a loyal, honest team player and learning the organizational culture and power players. My lowest average score was gaining recognition. That made a lot of sense to me because I typically do not like to bring attention to myself or make a big deal about my accomplishments. I think this can be said for a lot of women. We also did a self-assessment on networking. I scored a 68 on this assessment. This means I have decent networking skills but there is still room for improvement. The final assessment we did from the textbook was to gain a better understanding of our negotiating skills. On this assessment, I got a 66. This is similar to my networking score, meaning that I have decent skills but need to improve. In class, we also worked on One-Minute Self-Sells. This can help social workers to meet and introduce themselves to others for networking purposes. I have included mine below.

Hi! I am Maggie James. I am a senior social work major at Longwood University. I have leadership experience from coaching sports and participating in leadership positions in on-campus organizations. I will be graduating in the spring after completing an internship at Family Insight. I have not decided what I want to do beyond that however I am interested in your organization. Would you be interested in meeting to discuss your organization further?