Journal 3

            In this chapter, we discussed culture, ethics, and diversity. We learned more about how these things impact leadership. We did this through lectures and activities from the textbook. When reading the chapter, we each completed the Personal Values self-assessment. I scored the highest in the family, professional, and community categories. I scored the lowest in the spiritual and financial categories.

            When reflecting on my results I that my answers were related to a previous activity we did where I identified I had a high need for affiliation. These results are similar because it shows that I value human relationships through my desire for a strong family and community. This is relevant to understanding my leadership style because it shows what I value most and I can keep that in mind whether it is beneficial to what I am doing or not.  This is one of the values of the NASW code of ethics. I think over time my answers to this activity have changed and will continue to change as I go through different phases of life. Right now, in my life, I have been neglecting the spiritual aspects which is why that was my lowest score currently but at other times in my life, I think they may have been one of my higher scores. I think this is important to keep in mind as a social worker. To gain an understanding of my current goals and values especially as they change because they may differ from those that my clients may have. As a social worker, it is important to help the client reach their goals and live out their values not my own.