Journal 2

In this chapter, we discussed leadership traits and ethics. We read the chapter in the textbook and completed activities that when along with the reading and class lecture. In this chapter, we assessed our big five personality profile, our motive profile, and our ethical behavior. We then reflected on how these findings will impact us as social workers.

In my big 5 personality profile, I found that I scored the highest in conscientiousness with a score of 34 and lowest in surgency and adjustment with a score of 22. My low scores were due to a lack of confidence and anxiety about decision-making. My highest scores reflect that I am trustworthy and work hard. The second activity we did assess our motive profile. When I completed mine, I had a high need for achievement with a score of 34, a very moderate need for power with a score of 22, and a fairly high need for affiliation with a score of 26. This tells me I have a low interest in power, but I value relationships with others and achieving goals. When doing the third assessment measuring our ethical behavior I reported more difficulty calling out others for unethical behavior. I feel like I have an easier time reporting unethical behavior when the behavior could actually cause harm to others.  I think all of this information is important to know as a social worker to help me understand my strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Evaluating ourselves ethically is also important for a social worker to know how you feel about calling others when they are behaving unethically.