Journal 10

In chapter 11 we learned about strategic leadership and change management. While reviewing this chapter we did a self-assessment to assess our strategic leadership. I scored a 71 on this assessment meaning that I have strong strategic leadership potential. The next assessment was about strategic and change leadership. I am a strategic thinker I like to look ahead and assess what is to come. That is a part of strategic leadership. I don’t mind changing things up when necessary, which is part of change leadership. However, I also am of the mindset that is something is working I do not typically try to change it unless necessary.

When leaders have to make decisions it is important that they think strategically. Leaders have to make decisions that are in the best interest of the majority but also have to keep in mind profit and financial responsibility. There are many different ways that can be done, like consulting the group. An example of resistance to change that is effective is a strike. I workers do not like a change that is being made sometimes they organize a strike. Because the business would rather keep up their daily output sometimes leaders have to compromise rather than lose out on employees and profits.