Journal 1

            Understanding where we are as leaders and followers are important for us as social workers and as people who are a part of many different systems. In this class, we will gain a better understanding of who we are and how we interact with others. The textbook helps us better understand what leadership and followership are and how we fit them. This is done through both the readings and activities.

In class this week we did an activity from the textbook where we evaluated our leadership potential by choosing between 2 statements and rating them on how much we related to them. When doing this activity, I scored around a 35 which is a relatively high score, but I still have things to work on to become a stronger leader. I learned that although I will step up to leadership positions, I often am not confident enough to stick to a decision without the input of others. Another activity we did evaluate our managerial leadership skills. While evaluating myself with this activity I discovered that I enjoy working with technical and interpersonal skills, but I am not confident in my decision-making skills. As a social worker, I should learn to become confident in the decisions I have made especially if they are made based on research of the topic.