Letter to Senior Self

Dylan Scordellis

September 28th, 2018

Letter to Senior Self

Dear senior self,

I am currently writing this to you (my senior self) to see how my achievements and goals went. I hope that I go somewhere new for my study abroad and learn useful skills that I can use in the field. I hope that by then I have learned to manage time well and that my study habits strengthen up a bit. As of now, I get y work done once it’s assigned but I have a hard time being efficient with my work. I can’t wait to see how my next few years of college will go, and I hope they go well academically.

I hope that once I see this letter as a senior, I will have already been part of some internships and on the field experience to further my career as a Wildlife Conservation Officer. This has and always will be a dream job of mine. One final thing I want to say is that I hope I enjoy college as much as I do now in the future.