
Throughout my ePortfolio, I have some of my very important work that I did throughout English 470. I provided my press release, my professional report, my brochure, my bad news letter, and my persuasive letter. These were the top assignments that really helps with professional writing. I feel more confident than I have before with writing. I have now learned multiple different types of writing skills that I think will be very beneficial to me in my future career. I hope to use this knowledge and skills that I have gained throughout my teaching career. I want to be able to use my collaborative skills, communications skills, and all my professional writing skills throughout it. I think these are all beneficial for any career, but I can’t wait to use them and show my skills to my students. I can help them learn how to collaborate and communicate with their peers, and I can get them started on their writing to help them succeed throughout their education. I think this class is very important and everyone should have to take it. Thank you for looking through my work and I hope this will educate you and help you with your future professional writing.