Identity Portfolio


Leo Nordberg

Business major

I would like to work in Finland

Basketball player

Course work


Idendity portfolio Part 1:

Personality: Introvert

Internal Dimensions: Race-white, Age- 20, Gender-male, Sexual orientation-straight, Physical ability-athletic, Ethnicity-Finnish

External Dimensions: Parental Status-mom and dad, Marital status-not married, Geographical location-from Helsinki Finland, Income-low, Personal habits-procrastination, Recreational habits-playing sports, Religion-Christian, Educational background-in college, Work experience-none, Apperance-Blonde with blue eyes

Organizational Dimensions: Classification-Point Guard, Work field-Student-athlete, Division/group-Longwood Men’s basketball, Seniority-sophmore, Work location-Longwood, Political affiliation-no affiliation, Management status-None

The four aspects of my identity that I will be talking about are: my ethnicity (Finnish), my geographic location (Helsinki, Finland), my recreational habits (playing sports), and my work field (student athlete). My Ethnicity is part of my internal dimension, my geographic location and recreational habits are part of my external dimensions, and my work field is part of my organizational dimensions. These are some of my most important identities, they shape who I am, what I care about, as well as my goals in life. These four identities translate into what I desire for my future self because my goal in life is to play basketball in Finland once I get my degree.

All four of these aspects of my identity are crucial to my efficacy, self-esteem, and mattering. For efficacy, or feeling of control, my recreational habits and work field play a much bigger part as those affect my mastery, vicarious experiences, as well as my emotional and physical states. Playing sports and being a student athlete makes me feel successful, I get to see others around me also succeed, and playing releases stress and makes me feel good about myself. My ethnicity and geographical location affects my modeling experiences. Growing up in Finland caused me to have similar but also different role models than others in America. The role models from Finland have different values and principles because of our culture. When looking into my self-esteem all of the aspects play important roles. My ethnicity and geographic location affect my personal worth because the culture where I am from is a very positive, maintaining a balanced and peaceful lifestyle is emphasized. My recreational habits and work field affect my efficacy and personal worth as it helps with my feelings of success and control over my life as well as boosting my confidence and seeing my value. This leads me to feel very good about myself and worthy of respect. Finally, when it comes to my sense of mattering I would say that again my recreational habits as well as my work field affect this more than my geographical location and ethnicity, but they affect it in different ways. My recreational habits and work field boost my feeling of importance to others as my role is needed on the team, it also helps ensure that I am not invisible. My ethnicity and geographical location remind me that I am a part of society and I don’t need people to smile and wave at me everytime they see me to make me feel noticed or important. That is something you have to feel within yourself.