Research Question

My research question is: if a family activity is sent home, we expect parents to be involved in the child’s life. To operationalize my independent variable, I will use the question,” how often do you communicate with your child/children’s teachers at Head Start” with the answer choices of daily or more, weekly, monthly, less than monthly, or never. Additionally, I will use ,” how much did the Astronaut Pudding activity encourage you to spend time with your child,” as my survey question to operationalize my dependent variable with the answer choices ranging from 0-10 with 0 being not at all and 10 being a great amount. Using information from class, these are good questions because they make items clear, are short in length (which are the best), and very importantly are not double-barreled (there aren’t two possible answers). The most effective evaluation research combines qualitative and quantitative components. Some of the best practices for survey research would be mixed methods research (data is more comprehensive and results have a broader perspective of the overall problem so it appeals to a wider audience) and self-administered questionnaire (people are given survey and can complete during their own time).