Citizenship 110: Sexuality

In Social Media Citizenship 110, one uses the lens of social media to discuss his or her identity (religion, race, class, etc.), social issues, citizenship, and how people can become respectful citizens. The text we have been studying from is Social Media Freaks, by Dustin Kidd.  In this blog, the information I will be sharing comes from chapter 3 and discussions we have had in class. Chapter 3 discuses how people can use social media to determine and/or talk about their sexuality. Sexuality is a spectrum and it can sometimes be a struggle for someone to determine or come to terms with how one identifies him or herself. Social media can be a place where one can figure out the answer to these questions. However, social media has positives and negatives that one should be aware of prior to using it. One of the most popular negatives, is cyber bullying and harassment.

Kidd starts chapter 3 explaining Brittney Spears downward spiral between 2006 to 2007.  He describes the backlash and harmful comments people we posting about her online.  Online bullying is defined as cyber bullying.  Chris Cooker, a homosexual male, made a video called “Leave Britney Alone.” He basically says that he feels that if the bullying continues that she may commit suicide, which in turn he will commit suicide. The video showed the world the power of hateful words and how it can affect people. In response to videos like this and other LGBTQ youth struggling with suicidal thoughts or attempts, Dan Savage and Terry Miller created the “It Gets Better” campaign. It allows young people to tell their story and post it online with the hopes that it can help someone going through a similar situation.

Cyber bullying is a serious issue that is not going to go away on its own. The comment section on some post can be harsh and we may not an to be involved with it, but we can use our social media platforms to defend someone being bullied or harassed online. We never know if our actions may just save a life or at least have that person know that he or she is not alone. Social media can and should be a place were people can express themselves without fear of harassment.