Ebook Academic Collection on your Computer, Laptop, E-reader, or Mobile Device!

Access and download over 70,000 e-books in the Greenwood Library’s Ebsco E-Book Collection, a comprehensive selection of nearly 70,000 e-book titles in all core subject areas including social sciences, humanities, science, technology, medicine, and the arts.

Finding E-Books

  • With OneSearch, limit your search to e-books using the “Source Type” option on the left-hand side.  Or browse only the Ebsco E-Book Collection.
  • Any books that have the links seen below are available for online access or download to computers, laptops, Nooks and some mobile devices.
  • For more information about downloading, please see the E-Books guide.
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All I want for the Holidays is a Kindle from the Library!

Kindle DX

‘Tis the season for Kindle reading!  We are launching our holiday reading campaign on Tuesday, December 10.  If you are an LU student, faculty, or staff, you can check out a Kindle from the Library that isn’t due back until after Winter Break! We’ve preloaded each Kindle with popular and bestselling books from genres that you requested:

Come by the Circulation/Reserves desk and ask for a Kindle in the genre of your choice.  Would you like to suggest an author or a title to be loaded on a Library Kindle? Suggestions will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis as funding permits. Make a request here.

Click here to see Kindle availability.


Kindle DX Titles Sample

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Library System Downtime October 25

On October 25th, we have scheduled maintenance to our Library system and it will thus be down for most of the day.  This means that Self Checkout kiosks and the Library Catalog will be unavailable during this time.  However, you may still check out materials at the Circulation Desk or search the catalog through OneSearch.

This maintenance is the first phase in migrating the existing Library system to an improved version, which we hope will help us serve you better.

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Text a Librarian Improved

We’ve upgraded our text a librarian service and made it even better. Now your texts will be sent and received instantly and the service has much improved stability. Note that this upgrade required us to change our texting number to 434.264.5755. However, texts sent to the previous number will still reach us for the time being.

Texting a Librarian on an iPhone

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“Wild” in the Library!

LSEM Survivalists in Action

If you ever watch an episode of “Man vs. Wild” on the Discovery Channel, you’ll see Bear Grylls, adventurer and survivalist, scale slippery glaciers, trudge through rainforests, and eat various critters with a high nutritional content.  What does all of this have to do with Longwood Seminar (LSEM) students who come to the Library?  Believe it or not, our students and Bear have much in common!  Instead of encountering the outdoor wilderness, first year students are faced with the “information wild,” an uncharted landscape of new research and library-related terminology that is potentially tricky to navigate. To get them ready, we have hundreds of LSEM students participating in our mobile Library iPod challenge, Library vs. Wild.  By answering a series of questions to build core research skills and orient themselves to the Library, students build confidence while learning to be flexible and adaptable in order to meet demanding research scenarios.

How does it all work?  Students use iPod Touch devices to record answers in Evernote, an app that enables users to create, organize, and access notes and pictures on multiple synchronized devices.  While students are trekking through the Library during class, members of the Library’s instructional staff are monitoring their answers (both text and photo) in real time in the classroom. Many challenges ask students to utilize several of our mobile services, including our Library website, OneSearch, and Research Guides.  Upon completion of the challenge, we discuss student responses, answer questions, and enjoy the creativity of students!

Greenwood Library adapted this activity from North Carolina State University Libraries.  Also thanks to the Longwood Seminar students for all the great photos.

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Game Night Returns

That’s right, Game Night is back in the Library for its 8th installment (if you count that one “Game Day”) on September 21st from 6 PM to 10 PM.  We’ll have snacks, music by WMLU, and of course games of all sorts—board games, card games, and video games. Here’s just a small selection of the games we’ll have available:

Still not sold? Check out the fun we had last time!


New Streaming Music Collection

5 top reasons to check our new database, Music Online, that supports teaching and learning @ Longwood:

1)      Coverage in breadth and depth across all the key musical genres, such as classical, jazz, world, popular, and American

2)      High audio streaming quality and unique recordings

3)      Mobile access: stream to your mobile device/smartphone

4)      Custom playlists: create, annotate, and share playlists

5)      Permanent urls : all albums, tracks, clips, and playlists can be cited on permanent URLs.

Listen to Faculty, students, and staff make Longwood History come alive: A Special Collections event

Library Atrium
Tuesday, March 27, at 3:30 p.m.

Greenwood Library’s Special Collections holds unique treasures that make the history of Longwood University come alive.  On Tuesday, March 27, at 3:30 p.m., the Greenwood Library will host an event that will feature faculty, staff, and students reading excerpts from a variety of materials that were written in days gone by.  A slideshow of historical photos will be included as a part of this event.  Attendees will have an opportunity to win one of three Barnes and Noble gift cards being given away as door prizes.  Refreshments will be available following the program.  Make plans to attend this event on March 27 at 3:30 p.m. in the Atrium of the Greenwood Library.  We hope to see you there!

Poster Presentation: “Around the World and Across Time: How We Define Women Writers and How They Define Us”

“Around the World and Across Time:
How We Define Women Writers and How They Define Us”

Greenwood Library Atrium
Longwood University
Monday, April 19th through Friday, the 23rd

How have women writers’ differing experiences and cultures influenced their understanding of what it means to be a woman?  What are the benefits of considering women writers as a group, and what are the costs?  These questions and others animate the work of students from ENGL 362: Genders and Bodies, who have created poster presentations on the impact of influential woman authors like Margaret Atwood, Sylvia Plath, Sharon Creech, and Flannery O’Conner.   Find out how this important writing reflects gendered identities across cultures and times, from the 19th century to today.  The posters will remain in the Atrium until Friday, March 23.

Ten of the Library’s databases have moved to a new interface.


H.W. Wilson was purchased by EBSCO; therefore, the ten Wilson databases listed below are now available through the EBSCOhost/EDS platform.  You may access these databases through the Library’s A-Z Database List or directly on the Library’s home page using  the Library’s “one-stop” search interface. Either way you search, you will have access to all of the content formerly accessed through Wilson and the citation management features of the EBSCO platform.

The following databases affected by this transition are:

Wilson Biography Plus Illustrated has transformed into a new Biography Reference Center.  This new resource offers full-text biographies of more than 30 genre categories, including actors, authors, composers, explorers, figures relevant to U.S. & world history,  current world leaders and many others.
