Author Archives: Amanda McLellan

MLK Symposium and Sustainability Resources

The Greenwood Library has created a guide to the 2009 MLK Symposium with information and resources about this year’s MLK speaker, Jerome Ringo (pictured), the Apollo Alliance, environmental justice, civil rights, sustainability, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK Symposium activities on Thursday, January 22, include a community reading of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “The Drum Major Instinct” on the Lankford steps at 12:15 and Mr. Ringo’s talk at 3:30 in Jarman followed by a reception at the Moton Museum.

Homeland Security Digital Library

Homeland Security Digital Library

The Homeland Security Digital Library is now included in the library’s Databases A-Z list and relevant Research Guides. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, and the Center for Homeland Defense and Security, the HSDL provides access to over 50,000 full-text documents, including national policy and strategic documents, presidential directives, major legislation, theses and research reports related to homeland security.

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New “My Account” features

Have you ever been browsing books or movies in the library’s catalog and wanted to make a note to checkout an item later? Now you can! The new “My Lists” feature lets you create personal lists in your library account. From your search results in the catalog, select the check box to the left of your desired item or items and then click the “Save to My Lists” button at the top of the results list. You will be prompted to login to your account and then to select a list in which to save your records. You can add the item to an existing list or create a new list.

You can also track your reading history with another new “My Account” feature. While logged in to your account, click the “Reading History” button. You will need to click the “Start Saving History” button for the system to begin recording the items you checkout. Then simply check back occasionally to see what you’ve read.

Let us know what you think!


Easy citations in the catalog

citation2 Need a quick citation for that last reference for your Works Cited page? Now it’s easy with the new citation feature in the catalog. Simply find your book in the online catalog, then click the link beneath the title that says “Cite this item (from WorldCat).” A new window should appear with your citation in several popular formats! It’s that easy.

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Civil War author and historian William Freehling to speak

Wiliam Freehling

Dr. William W. Freehling, a noted historian and author of four books on the Civil War, will address “Can Coincidences Change History? The Coming of the Civil War as a Test Case” at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, November 7 in the Greenwood Library. The program, sponsored by the Friends of the Janet D. Greenwood Library, will be preceded by a reception at 6 p.m. and followed by a book signing.

Books for sale at the event include Road to Disunion: Secessionists at Bay, 1776-1854 (Vol. 1); Road to Disunion: Secessionists Triumphant, 1854-1861 (Vol. 2); and The South vs. the South: How Anti-Confederate Southerners Shaped the Course of the Civil War.

Freehling, a senior fellow with the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, has taught at Berkeley and Harvard and held professorships or endowed chairs at Michigan State, the State University of New York, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Kentucky. He has written four books on the American Civil War, three of them prize winners. His Prelude to Civil War: The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina (Oxford University, 1965) was awarded the Nevins and Bancroft Prizes. He is currently working on a book about Abraham Lincoln.

Date: Friday, November 7, 2008
Time: Reception at 6:00 pm, Lecture at 7:00 pm
Location: Atrium of the Greenwood Library


Campus Sustainability Day in Greenwood Library

Events for Longwood University’s first annual Campus Sustainability Day will take place in Greenwood Library on Wednesday, October 22 from 2 to 5 pm.  Here’s the schedule:

  • 2 to 3:30 in 147A — Interactive webcast presentation of Climate Realities, Challenges and Progress in Higher Education, a discussion moderated by Andrew C. Revkin, Science Reporter for the New York Times. For more information, click here.
  • 3:30 to 5 in the Library Atrium — Campus Sustainability Fair.  Departments, organizations, and clubs around campus will showcase their efforts to work more sustainably.

Questions?  Contact Kelly Martin, Sustainability Coordinator, at or at (434)395-2572.


PBS Streaming Videos are now available!

The Greenwood Library now has access to a collection of 498 digitized PBS videos that were purchased by the VIVA consortium for use by academic libraries in the Commonwealth of Virginia. All of the videos are available through the Library’s online catalog and may be viewed as streaming video with the free QuickTime player by Longwood students, faculty and staff.

Some of the series in the collection are:

See the PBS Streaming Video FAQ for more information, or start viewing some of these films now. An easy way to find them is through a keyword search on “pbs video viva“.


Info Center crowded? Need to print your homework? Try a Quickstation!

It’s often difficult to find an open computer during the Information Center’s peak hours. This can be especially frustrating when you are trying to check your email or print out your homework before your next class. Greenwood Library has just added five computer stations to address this problem. The new computers, called Quickstations, are located in the Information Center against the wall of library classroom 147A.

The Quickstations are intended for quick functions: looking up books, checking for messages in email or Blackboard, and printing documents from the web or from your personal disc or jump drive. These computers are set to log off automatically after thirty minutes of use (they will give you a warning with two minutes left to go). We hope that these stations will give more patrons a chance to use our computers even during busy times. Let us know what you think!


Longwood Reads During Banned Books Week


DATE:  Wednesday, October 1, 2008

TIME:  1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Children’s Literature Room, Greenwood Library

This event will feature Longwood University faculty and students reading passages from books that have been challenged and/or banned from schools and libraries.  The schedule for the readings is as follows:

Banned Books Reading Schedule